WebGL sketches
ASCII .obj line renderer
Started as an equation plotter, now is a 2d playground
F(x,y,z) = S
Triangulization with marching cubes.
Small curve collection in canvas-2D
Takes a curve (on a plane), creates unordered pairs of all points in the curve, and new point location is the midpoint, elevation is the distance. I first encountered with this construction in a 3blue1brown video
Sphere rolls on sphere.
This gif is around for a while: stereographic projection of a spiral on a sphere. I had an idea to step up a dimension, 4d hypersphere projected onto 3d space. Obviously I don't see in 4d, and could made mistakes, but this program is the result.
(u,v) => (x,y,z)
Times diagram described in a Mathologer video here
Voronoi with scriptable distance function
Bugs following each other.
1st -> 2nd
2nd -> 3rd
Nth -> 1st
1d cellular automata
(x,y) => F(x,y)
Welcome, Neo, ... to the Rendering Pipeline!
C - clear
Q - show all
Space - start/stop
Walk around funkyland
Town builder using Kay Lousberg's assets
Ways of displaying 3D objects in 2D

Axonometry Perspective 6-point perspective Ciclography
Orthogonal projection Projection form a focal point S Special projection, first onto a sphere, then peeling the sphere onto the plane Special display in a way that a point maps to a circle, not an other point

The program: Objector Reads an .obj file and displays it in the four ways.